40 first shot herbicide label
PDF ADAMA Shotput Label - Adama Agricultural Solutions This leaflet is part of the approved label. For advice on medical emergencies, fires or major spills telephone . the UK National Chemical Emergency Centre on +44 (0)1865 407333. A residual herbicide for control of weeds in potatoes. A water dispersible granule formulation containing 70% w/w metribuzin. Warning Firstrate Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience For control of giant ragweed and Canada fleabane (up to the 20 leaf stage) and other labeled weeds as well as suppression of horsenettle. Apply FirstRate herbicide at a rate of 20.8 g/ha (one water soluble packet treats 0.8 ha) plus 0.25% v/v Agral® 90 plus 2.5% v/v liquid fertilizer (28-0-0 or 32-0-0). Application Timing Postemergence application
PDF Keep Out of Reach of Children Caution - Cdms Always read the entire label including the Limitation of Warranty and Liability. 3 PRODUCT INFORMATION FIRSTSHOT SG herbicide is a water soluble granule that is used for postemergence burndown weed control in the fallow period prior to planting. The best control is obtained when FIRSTSHOT SG herbicide is applied to young, actively growing weeds.

First shot herbicide label
Minecto Pro - Insecticide Product & Label Information WebImportant: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Minecto Pro is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Minecto Pro is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops and weeds. PDF Hotshot Herbicide label to first node (Z14 to Z31) Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Spiny emex (Emex australis) Variegated thistle (Silybum marianum) 500 - 750 mL + 420 or 580 mL LVE 600 MCPA Use the higher rate of LVE 600 MCPA Selective Herbicide only from 5 leaf cereal growth stage onwards. Mustards,turnip weed,volunteer canola and wild turnip will also be ... Zaltus SX - Atticus LLC Label Product Information Table EPA Registration Number 91234-180 Active Ingredient Flumioxazin 51% HRAC Number 14 Signal Word Caution Formulation Water Dispersible Granule Package Size 4 x 5 lb Restricted Use No Trait-Approved Tank Mix Partners Enlist One ® Enlist Duo ® Xtendimax ® Key Benefits Stays where applied, won't leach or volatilize
First shot herbicide label. PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 - Us Epa Always read the entire label including the Limitation of Warranty and Liability. PRODUCT INFORMATION FIRSTSHOT® SG herbicide is a water soluble granule that is used for postemergence burndown weed control in the fallow period prior to planting. The best control is obtained when FIRSTSHOT® SG is applied to young, actively growing weeds. 10 Best Weed Killer That Doesn’T Kill Grass of August 2022 Web30.05.2022 · Customer Reviews: Closely related to ratings, these paragraphs give you first-hand and detailed information from real-world users about their Weed Killer That Doesn’T Kill Grass. Product Quality: You don’t always get what you pay for with an Weed Killer That Doesn’T Kill Grass, sometimes less, and sometimes more. PDF Specimen Label - DoMyOwn.com Have the product container or label with you when calling a Poison Control Center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-800-992-5994 for emergency medical treatment information. Environmental Hazards This pesticide is extremely toxic to freshwater marine, and estuarine fish and aquatic invertebrates including shrimp and oyster. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, F7275 HERBICIDE, 10/30/2009 The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records. If you have any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Owen F. Beeder of my staff at 703-308-8899.
MSMA Target 6 Plus Herbicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Web24.08.2022 · MSMA Target 6 Plus Herbicide is for post-emergent control of crabgrass, dallisgrass, johnsongrass, nutsedge, ... MSMA Target 6 Plus Herbicide Label (179.42 KB) MSMA Target 6 Plus Herbicide SDS (199.99 KB) Description; Additional; ... First time buying from Solutions but won’t be my last as ordering was easy and deliver was super ... Don't ignore herbicide plant-back restrictions | Farm Progress Now a herbicide such as 2,4-D, or dicamba is really needed in the burn down, but the crop needs to be planted as soon as it is dry enough. ... Envoke or First Shot provide only postemergence suppression. The Ignite label continues to be expanded and the price has become much more competitive. It is a hot herbicide that is an effective burn-down ... Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide | Nitrophos Barricade … Web08.05.2022 · Barricade Granular Pre-Emergence Herbicide, manufactured by Nitro-phos, is one of our go-to pre-emergent herbicide recommendations due to its broad label and ease of use. Barricade contains prodiamine and is designed for the pre-emergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass, gardens, flowerbeds and many … Valent U.S.A. Valent U.S.A.
PDF FirstShot SG Burndown Herbicide (with TotalSol soluble granules) - CDMS FirstShot® SG Burndown Herbicide (with TotalSol® soluble granules) Version 1.0 Revision Date 02/01/2018 Ref. 130000027529 9 / 11 Waste disposal methods - Container : Container Refilling and Disposal: Refer to the product label for instructions. The container must only be refilled with this pesticide product. Section - Jamaica Observer WebBreaking news from the premier Jamaican newspaper, the Jamaica Observer. Follow Jamaican news online for free and stay informed on what's happening in the Caribbean What Kills Goosegrass in Bermuda? 3 Best Herbicides WebPost-emergent herbicide for goosegrass. Some herbicides are safe for use in Bermuda grass. These products work by killing the grassy weeds in one shot. Here are the three best herbicides that kill goosegrass in Bermuda. 1. Tribute TOTAL. Manufactured by Bayer, Tribute TOTAL provides long-lasting weed control. LeadOff® Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience™ Applied as an early-season preplant application to corn, cotton or soybeans, LeadOff® herbicide helps maintain a clean seedbed, allowing the soil to warm up faster and enabling improved stand establishment. ... Always read and follow all label directions and precautions for use.
PDF FirstShot SG Burndown Herbicide - FMC FirstShot SG burndown herbicide 0.6-0.8 oz./ A depending on weed size + glyphosate or + 2,4-D LVE. Add dicamba for improved marestail control. Application information • Always include a spray adjuvant with FirstShot SG burndown herbicide. • When applying 0.5-0.6 oz./A, FirstShot SG
LeadOff | Corteva Agriscience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook The material and content contained in the Agworld DBX Label Database is for general use information only. Agworld and Greenbook Data Solutions does not provide any guarantee or assurance that the information obtained through this service is accurate, current or correct, and is therefore not liable for any loss resulting, directly or indirectly, from reliance upon this service.
Rapport® BroadSpec - US - Crop - Nufarm Rapport BroadSpec controls more than 60 common broadleaf weeds and provides partial control of several other species. For best control apply the herbicide to your, actively growing weeds. It can be applied by ground or air, at rates between 0.4 and 1.0 ounce per acre. It also can be tank mixed with many registered herbicides to address specific ...
Shop | FBN - Farmers Business Network Copyright © 2014 - 2022 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, "Farmers Business Network", "FBN", "FBN Direct" and "F2F ...
Martins TopShot Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com Martin's TopShot Weed Killer is an easy-to-use, liquid MSM herbicide that targets dollarweed, dandelion, clover, wild onion/garlic, plantain and bahiagrass. It effectively manages the weeds on your entire lawn, contrary to spot treatment sprays. It works through destroying the roots and leaves of the weeds, without hurting your lawn.
FirstRate | AMVAC FirstRate Download Label View all labels FirstRate Herbicide FirstRate® Herbicide may be applied preplant incorporated, preplant surface, preemergence and postemergence control of key broadlead weeds in soybeans. Applications Preplant/preemergence: Apply up to two weeks prior to planting or preemergence for additional burndown and residual control.
Hotshot - Dow AgroSciences herbicide Grass Herbicides Topik1® 240 EC, Axial1® 100 EC, Wildcat1® 110 EC (wild oats only). Adjuvants BS1000 Biodegradable surfactant (when mixed with metsulfuron-methyl) or its alternatives Chemwet 1000, and Spreadwet 1000 Wetting Agent. Uptake™ Spraying Oil (when mixed with Topik® 240 EC and Axial). Adigor® Spray Adjuvant (when mixed with Axial).
News | U.S. Geological Survey WebDive into the world of science! Read these stories and narratives to learn about news items, hot topics, expeditions underway, and much more.
PDF DUPONT FIRSTSHOT SG - Amazon Web Services, Inc. DUPONT™ FIRSTSHOT® SG BURNDOWN HERBICIDE (WITH TOTALSOL®SOLUBLE GRANULES) HIGHLIGHTS • For burndown of broadleaf weeds in the fallow period prior to planting. • Apply at the rate of 0.5 to 0.8 ounces per acre with a surfactant. • May be applied by ground or by air.
Firstshot® Sg Burndown Herbicide With Totalsol® Soluble Granules - Fmc FirstShot SG herbicide is a flexible, easy-to-mix, glyphosate tank-mix partner. Adding FirstShot SG herbicide to your burndown program improves control of key weeds prior to planting cotton, corn, soybeans, sorghum, rice and other crops to provide a cleaner seedbed. FirstShot SG herbicide offers rotational freedom with short preplant intervals.
PDF Hot Shot Herbicide Label - Corteva Agriscience Wheat Apply from 3 leaf to first node (Z13 to Z31) Wild oats (Avena sterilisssp. ludoviciana) (Avena fatua) (non 'fop' resistant) 2 to 4 leaf 500 - 750 mL + 85 mL Topik®240 EC Add Uptake®Spraying Oil at the rate of 500 mL/100 L water Hotshot®label 20thApril 2021 Table 2: Northern New South Wales and Queensland.
Labels And SDS | Hot Shot Labels And SDS Important product information to keep you and your family safe Each of the products we sell is backed by a complete product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS), so you can get the facts on appropriate product usage, precautions for safe handling and use, health hazards, emergency contact information, and more.
Enlist One® Tank Mix Products | Enlist™ weed control system Web19.07.2022 · Last updated 7/19/2022. Only tank-mix partners listed on here may be used with Enlist One ® herbicide.. PRINT. The products listed below were tested as required by the terms and conditions of registration for Enlist One and found not to adversely affect the spray drift properties of Enlist One herbicide. Products listed are name brand products.
StareDown | Corteva Agriscience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Registration ... Agworld DBX empowers you with the right crop input label information for informed pest management and plant protection. For over than 35 years, Greenbook® has been the trusted, go-to crop inputs reference guide for farmers, ranchers, agronomists ...
PDF FirstRateTM - Corteva FirstRateTM Herbicide GROUP 2 HERBICIDE FOR SALE FOR USE IN EASTERN CANADA ONLY. For broadleaved weed control in soybeans. COMMERCIAL READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ACTIVE INGREDIENT: cloransulam-methyl 84% Wettable granules Warning, contains the allergen sulfites.
PDF FirstRate Specimen Label - Fluoride Action Network Notice: Read the entire label. Use only according to label directions. Before using this product, read Warranty Disclaimer, Inherent Risks of Use, and Limitation of Remedies at end of label booklet. If terms are unacceptable, return at once unopened. In case of emergency endangering health or the environment involving this product, call 1-800 ...
Proventix™75 WDG - INNVICTIS Proventix™75 WDG. Proventix. ™. 75 WDG. PROVENTIX | A selective herbicide that is highly active on nutsedge, and annual broadleaf weeds. Proventix offers excellent burndown and residual on labeled weeds. LABEL. SDS. TECH SHEET.
Tank Mix - Engenia Herbicide Web14.06.2022 · DO NOT tank mix Engenia herbicide with dimethylamine (DMA) glyphosates, isopropylamine (IPA) glyphosates, ammonium sulfate (AMS), or urea ammonium nitrate (UAN). Glyphosate maximum use rate per acre per application is …
Can’t Identify Weed? — Our Guide with Pictures - The Green Pinky Web15.09.2021 · Young plants should be removed at the rosette stage in the first year of growth. Spear thistle weeds can be pulled from the ground when in bloom or cut below the rosette at the taproot in the first year of growth. Manual pulling is best done in moist soil in the spring and fall. A non-selective herbicide can be used to kill these weeds.
Agrian - Label Search 34704-1043. Loveland Products, Inc. Select a country Australia Canada United States.
Zaltus SX - Atticus LLC Label Product Information Table EPA Registration Number 91234-180 Active Ingredient Flumioxazin 51% HRAC Number 14 Signal Word Caution Formulation Water Dispersible Granule Package Size 4 x 5 lb Restricted Use No Trait-Approved Tank Mix Partners Enlist One ® Enlist Duo ® Xtendimax ® Key Benefits Stays where applied, won't leach or volatilize
PDF Hotshot Herbicide label to first node (Z14 to Z31) Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Spiny emex (Emex australis) Variegated thistle (Silybum marianum) 500 - 750 mL + 420 or 580 mL LVE 600 MCPA Use the higher rate of LVE 600 MCPA Selective Herbicide only from 5 leaf cereal growth stage onwards. Mustards,turnip weed,volunteer canola and wild turnip will also be ...
Minecto Pro - Insecticide Product & Label Information WebImportant: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Minecto Pro is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Minecto Pro is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops and weeds.
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