39 mefenoxam 2aq label
Mefenoxam 2 AQ | Quali-Pro | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Mefenoxam 2 AQ Quali-Pro. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 50804 Active ingredients Mefenoxam Classification. 4. Fungicide. WSSA mode of action A1: RNA polymerase I. Registration EPA: 66222-216. Pests ... This Label Database does not replace the official manufacture issued label. Users of this database must read and follow the actual product ... Mefenoxam 2AQ Fungicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Mefenoxam 2AQ Fungicide is a broad spectrum turf and ornamental fungicide. Mefenoxam 2 AQ contains the same formulas as popular fungicide brand Subdue Maxx only at a much cheaper price. It is easy to mix and apply to control various plant diseases. Size: 32 Ounce 32 Ounce 1 Gallon $131.49 Add to Cart Expert Help Available In Store Free Shipping*
Mefenoxam 2Aq Fungicide 1 gal. | SiteOne Mefenoxam 2 AQ makes an excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. Can be combined with Quali-Pro's Chlorothalonil for added brown patch control during stressful summer decline months. Low odor compared to EC formulations Can be used on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals University Tested

Mefenoxam 2aq label
Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Advanced Turf Solutions View Label View SDS Mefenoxam 2 AQ has a water-based formulation that features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. Combine with Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil for added brown patch control during stressful summer decline months. PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Newsom Seed Mefenoxam 2 AQSpecimen Label 2 Where rate ranges are specified on this label, use the higher rate when heavy disease pressure is expected and the lower rate when disease pressure is expected to be light, unless otherwise noted. To avoid spray drift, do not apply under windy conditions. Avoid spray overlap, as crop injury may result. PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - DoMyOwn.com MEFENOXAM 2 AQ. OBSERVE ALL DIRECTIONS, PRECAUTIONS, AND LIMITATIONS OF TANK MIX PARTNER LABELS, OBSERVING THE MOST RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENT(S). ROTATIONAL CROPS Crops listed in this label may be replanted immediately in soil treated with mefenoxam. All other crops may not be planted in mefenoxam-treated soil for a period of 12 months.
Mefenoxam 2aq label. PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ 1. IDENTIFICATION ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. For medical emergencies involving this product, call 1-800-308-5391. Note to physician:If ingested, induce emesis or lavage stomach. Treat symptomatically. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Mefenoxam | Solutions Pest & Lawn Mefenoxam is safe to apply when applied according to label directions. As with any of our chemicals we carry, wear personal protective equipment required to lessen the risks of inhaling, ingesting or coming in contact with the skin. ... Mefenoxam 2AQ - Mefenoxam 2AQ Fungicide is a broad spectrum turf & ornamental fungicide. Mefenoxam 2 AQ is ... Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Advanced Turf Solutions View Label View SDS Mefenoxam 2 AQ is a water-based formulation, which features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. Combine with Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil for added brown patch control during stressful summer decline months. Labels for QUALI-PRO MEFENOXAM 2AQ (53883-433) | US EPA EPA Reg. No. Product Name Accepted Date; 66222-216: QUALI-PRO MEFENOXAM 2AQ: April 25, 2011 (PDF) 66222-216: QUALI-PRO MEFENOXAM 2AQ: November 23, 2010 (PDF)
Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Product label indicates, "SOIL SURFACE SPRAY:Apply 0.49 - 0.98 fl oz Quali-Pro Mefenoxam 2 AQ in 1 to 5 gals of water per 1000 sq ft immediately after seeding. Re-treat at 7- to 14-day intervals if conditions remain favorable for disease. For best efficacy, 1/2 inch irrigation or rainfall is required within 24 hours after application." PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, QUALI-PRO MEFENOXAM 2AQ, 11/23/2010 QUALI-PRO® Mefenoxam 2 AQ An aqueous flowable fungicide for the control of certain diseases in various turf, nursery, and ornamental crops caused by the Oomycete class of fungi. Contains mefenoxam, the active ingredient used in Subdue M~. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, QUALI-PRO MEFENOXAM 2AQ, 9/29/2010 Mefenoxam 2 AQ An aqueous flowable fungicide for the control of certain diseases in various turf, nursery, and ornamental crops caused by the Oomycete class of fungi. Contains mefenoxam, the active ingredient used in Subdue MAX~. Quali-Pro® Mefenoxam 2 AQ is not manufactured or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Active Ingredient: Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Control Solutions Inc Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide is formulated to provide systemic control of root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora spp. as well as foliar diseases such as downy mildew. It features a water-based formula with low odor and it can provide protection for up to 3 weeks.
Mefenoxam 2AQ Fungicide - Intermountain Turf In stock. Mefenoxam 2AQ fungicide is the generic version of Subdue Maxx fungicide from Syngenta. Water-based formulation features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. Water-based formulation features low odor. Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide (Subdue Maxx) | 3 weeks protection Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide (Subdue Maxx) Water-based formulation features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. ... Label . SDS . Recommended for the Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide (Subdue Maxx) Product title Vendor $19.99 | $24.99. Quick Shop. Product title Vendor $19.99 | $24.99 ... Mefenoxam 2AQ Fungicide - Pest Solutions Store Mefenoxam can be applied at a rate of 0.49 - 0.98 oz in 1-5 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft. Check the label for proper application rates as they vary depending on the application site and disease you wish to treat. Step 2: Fill your sprayer tank halfway with the required amount of water. Add Mefenoxam 2AQ in the proper measured amount based ... Mefenoxam 2 AQ | Mefenoxam 22.5% - Chemical Warehouse Description. Target Pests. Areas of Use. Shipping. Label/SDS. An aqueous flowable fungicide for the control of certain diseases in various turf, nursery, and ornamental crops caused by the Oomycete class of fungi. Active Ingredient : Mefenoxam 22.5%. Comparable Product : Subdue Maxx®. Manufacturer : Quali-Pro.
PDF MEFENOXAM 2 AQ - DoMyOwn.com MEFENOXAM 2 AQ. OBSERVE ALL DIRECTIONS, PRECAUTIONS, AND LIMITATIONS OF TANK MIX PARTNER LABELS, OBSERVING THE MOST RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENT(S). ROTATIONAL CROPS Crops listed in this label may be replanted immediately in soil treated with mefenoxam. All other crops may not be planted in mefenoxam-treated soil for a period of 12 months.
PDF Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Newsom Seed Mefenoxam 2 AQSpecimen Label 2 Where rate ranges are specified on this label, use the higher rate when heavy disease pressure is expected and the lower rate when disease pressure is expected to be light, unless otherwise noted. To avoid spray drift, do not apply under windy conditions. Avoid spray overlap, as crop injury may result.
Mefenoxam 2 AQ - Advanced Turf Solutions View Label View SDS Mefenoxam 2 AQ has a water-based formulation that features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. Combine with Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil for added brown patch control during stressful summer decline months.
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