42 lesco stonewall 19-0-7
Lesco Professional, 50 LB, 12,500 SQFT Coverage, 0-0-7, Crab Grass ... 7 offers from $20.98 24-0-6 Flagship Granular Lawn Fertilizer with 3% Iron, Bio-Nite™, 45 lb Bag Covers 15,000 sq ft, 6% Potassium, Micronutrients and 24% Slow Release Nitrogen 236 1 offer from $74.99 The Andersons PGF Balanced 10-10-10 Fertilizer with Micronutrients and 2% Iron (5,000 sq ft) 1,452 1 offer from $39.88 Lesco Stonewall 0.68% 0-0-7 : lawncare - reddit Lesco Stonewall 0.68% 0-0-7 Cool Season I was looking for a non nitrogen pre emergent and I was browsing Lowe's and saw this product. The active ingredient is prodiamine. Has anyone used this product before? Any tips on the application a rate? The bag seemed kinda confusing. I'm really trying to avoid a pre emergent with fert this season.
LESCO Stonewall 0.43% 19-0-7 30%PolyPlus OPTI45 Pre-Eme Lesco Stonewall is the longest residual and most consistent full-season, pre-emergence weed and grass control without staining. This pre-emergence herbicide ...

Lesco stonewall 19-0-7
Official Pesticide Product Database LESCO 19-0-7 PRE-M 0.15% PLUS FERTILIZER (080311) 12/31/2022: EPA Label •Fert : N1351: 353: 2217-793-10404: LESCO 2MD WEED AND FEED: 12/31/2022: Label PDF •Fert : ... LESCO Stonewall 0.43% 19-0-7 30% Polyplus 50# 702053: 12/31/2022: Label PDF •Fert : N1351: 310: 10404-89: Lesco Stonewall 0.43% Plus Fertilizer, 0-0-7 (#702137) 12/31/2022 ... Official Fertilizer Product Database LESCO Stonewall 0.43% 19-0-7 30% Polyplus 50# 702053: 12/31/2019: Label PDF : F418: 453: Fertilizer: Lesco Stonewall 0.43% Plus Fertilizer (EPA# 10404-89) 12/31/2019: Label PDF : F418: 320: Fertilizer: Lesco Tree Stakes, 16-10-9 (001090) 12/31/2019: Label PDF : F418: 549: Fertilizer: Lesco Weed & Feed (702173) 12/31/2019: Lesco Lawn Fertilizer at Lowes.com 28. Lesco. 50-lb 14700-sq ft 20-0-3 Weed Feed Weed Control Fertilizer. Model # 2759164. Find My Store. for pricing and availability. 26. Lesco. 50-lb 18300-sq ft 30-0-5 Weed Control Fertilizer.
Lesco stonewall 19-0-7. Lesco 50-lb 14800-sq ft 0-0-7 Weed Control Fertilizer OVERVIEW Apply at the beginning of the growing season to enhance crabgrass control. Provides season long control Stonewall 0.68% Covers up to 14,800 square feet 50 lbs Specifications Series Name LESCO Lawn Starter Can Be Used on Zoysia Bag Capacity Quantity by Dry Volume 50 Can Be Used On Edibles Mineral Supplement OMRI Listed Size 50 Pound (s) pre emergent (Lesco Stonewall 0-0-7) question - Houzz I have read to do split applications of stonewall. So for the sake of making the math easy, we'll use your number round down to 16 lbs/1000 sq ft and divide by 4. You want 4 applications at 4lbs/1000 sq. ft. You'll want to do one in the spring and the 2nd app about 8-10 weeks later. Same thing in the fall. Lesco Dimension Pre-emergent: which is better for early spring ... Lesco Dimension Pre-emergent: which is better for early spring application: the Lowes 30-0-5 version of the Home Depot 19-0-7 version? ... Edit: I found the 0-0-7 Lesco Stonewall and went with that. Thanks for the input! 8 comments. share. save. hide. report. ... My HD had 0-0-7 with Pendimethalin but the 19-0-7 used Dimension. Not sure why but ... 10404-89 Lesco Stonewall 0.43% Plus Fertilizer 19-0-7 (#702053 ... 10404-89_Lesco Stonewall 0.43% Plus Fertilizer 19-0-7 (#702053)_20150629_146_10404_.pdf. LESCO . Created Date: 6/29/2015 1:46:21 PM ...
PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 Apply in fall and/or spring, 0.65 to 1.5 lbs active ingredient per acre, which is equal to 4.0 to 9.3 lbs. of this product per 1,000 sp. ft. of ornamental plantings; therefore 20 lbs of this product will treat 2,150 to 5,000 sq.ft. Use the higher rates of application for longer control periods. LESCO 50 lb. 19-0-7 Dimension Crabgrass Preventer 080311 This item: 50 lb. 19-0-7 Dimension Crabgrass Preventer Scotts Turf Builder 43 lbs. 15,000 sq. ft. Weed and Feed Lawn Fertilizer $72.99 Scotts MossEx 18.37 lbs. 5,000 sq. ft. Moss Killer with Added Nutrients for Greener Grass $13.99 Product Overview Apply in Spring to prevent crabgrass and other annual grassy-type weeds from growing. 0-0-7 question - aroundtheyard.com Forums 19 posts • Page 1 of 1. Sidney Posts: 164 Joined: May 30th, 2012 ... type/product. But what you just said answered the question that prompted this question. I will be switching from Lesco Pre-M to Stonewall. Thanks. Top. Brodgers88 Posts: 92 Joined: April 5th, 2014 ... 0-0-7 Stonewall Active Ingredient Prodiamine 0.43% Phenylenediamine 99.57% ... Determining Spreader Settings | LESCO When using a LESCO product, find the designated setting listed on the bag and then cross reference that number to your particular spreader type using the attached documents. Keep in mind that labeled settings on the product bag and those listed within the charts are approximate and should be used as a starting point only.
LESCO Stonewall 0.43% 19-0-7 30%PolyPlus OPTI45 Pre ... This pre-emergence herbicide offers low rate, season-long control of 30 grass and broadleaf weeds, including crabgrass, goosegrass and Poa annua in turf and ... Pre-Emergent Application Timing Tips - LESCO By applying the product just before the soil is a consistent 50-55 degrees, you're giving it enough time to become activated by water, soak into the soil, and create the chemical shield between the seed and the soil before germination. 1: Map it Out Not sure when the soil reaches 50-55 degrees? Search for Pesticide Products lesco stonewall 0.43% plus fertilizer (19-0-19) 10404- 89-zd : inactive: 12/31/07: lesco stonewall 0.43% plus fertilizer (19-0-7) 10404- 89-zc : inactive: 12/31/07: lesco stonewall 0.43% plus fertilizer (8-3-23) 10404- 89-zb : active: 02/13/19: lesco stonewall 4l: 60063- 67-aa- 10404: inactive: 12/31/05: lesco stonewall 65 wdg herbicide PDF :Dvklqjwrq ' & 127,&( 2) 3(67,&,'( ; 5hjlvwudwlrq 5huhjlvwudwlrq - Us Epa LESCO Stonewall 4L Herbicide is a pre emergence herbicide that provides residual control of many grass and broadleaf weeds in: • Established Turfgrasses (excluding golf course putting greens), Lawns and Sod Nurseries • Container, Field Grown, and Landscape Ornamentals; • Conifer and Hardwood Seedling Nurseries
Stonewall 19-0-7 [wl1p20jz71lj] - idoc.pub Stonewall® 0.43% Plus Fertilizer 19-0-7.APPLICATION DIRECTIONS Apply uniformly through suitable, calibrated commercial application equipment. ESTABLISHED TURF This product is a selective pre-emergence herbicide that, when properly applied, will control certain grass and broadleaf weeds in established turf grass and lawns.
PDF LESCO Stonewall® (0.20%, 0.29%, 0.37%, 0.43%, 0 ... - Hillside Lawn Care Pesticide & Fertilizer 1.3. Name, Address, and Telephone of the Responsible Party Company LESCO, Inc. 1385 East 36th St Cleveland, OH 44114 T 800-347-4272 1.4. Emergency Telephone Number Emergency Number : 1-800-424-9300 For Chemical Emergency, Spill, Leak, Fire, Exposure, or Accident, call CHEMTREC - Day or Night SECTION 2
Lesco Stonewall .43% Plus Fertilizer 14-0-7, 50lb Bag Pre Emergent ... Lesco Stonewall .43% Plus Fertilizer 14-0-7, 50lb Bag Pre Emergent Herbicide. Item Information. Condition: New. Price: ... $19.45. Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. Seller 100% positive Seller 100% positive Seller 100% positive. Pennington One Step Complete Fertilizer Mix 8.3 lb. Repair Bare Spot Tall Fescue.
Stonewall 0.43% Plus Fertilizer .APPLICATION DIRECTIONS 19-0-7 ... Stonewall 0.43% Plus Fertilizer .APPLICATION DIRECTIONS 19-0-7 Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Stonewall®0.43% Plus Fertilizer NOTICE: Before using this product, read the Directions for Use, Storage and Disposal Instructions, and Warranty Statements.
Stonewall .43% 19-0-7 | Lawn Care Forum - LawnSite Joined Aug 30, 2006. ·. 3,719 Posts. #5 · Feb 24, 2011 (Edited) Only show this user. I have been putting down Lesco's 0-0-8 Stonewall .43% the last couple of years on my first round [doing it right now]. As someone else mentioned Prodiamine can have several different names but is the same with Stonewall being Lesco's version of Prodiamine ...
Lesco Professional, 50 LB, 13,500 SQFT Coverage, 24-0-11, Turf Fertilizer Lesco Professional, 50 LB, 12,000 SQFT Coverage, 18-24-12 57 $85.55 $ 85 . 55 The Andersons Professional 24-0-11 2% Iron Deep Green Fertilizer with NS-54 Nitrogen 40 lb Bag 10,000 sq ft 22
Lesco Dimension 0-0-7 - aroundtheyard.com Forums Location: Zone 6 (Eastern PA) Grass Type: Elite KBG. Lawn Size: 10000-20000. Level: Advanced. Re: Lesco Dimension 0-0-7. Post. by MorpheusPA » March 11th, 2012, 3:44 pm. Go at the higher rate. Crabgrass is an easy control, and even if you missed the window the higher rate will give you some limited post-emergent control.
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